Urban Acupuncture in Large Cities: Filtering Framework to Select Sensitive Urban Spots in Riyadh for Effective Urban Renewal





Urban Acupuncture, Riyadh, Sensitive Spot, Urban Renewal, Human-centered Spaces


New revitalization and regeneration strategies are currently taking place as a scheme for reassessing urban spaces. This paper, as a result, navigates the theory of Urban Acupuncture (UA) as a quick and effective tool that can be adopted in large cities. Using Riyadh city as a case study, it discusses how this tool can be used to achieve maximum results with minimal effort in the most critical places. Riyadh city is the capital of Saudi Arabia and is considered one of the fastest-growing metropolitan cities in the Arab world. Through time, it has transformed into a city with leftover open spaces and an ever-increasing population. The study commences by exploring the term UA and its principles and similarly presents some of its successful international examples. It thereafter delves into the past and current situation in the city to show some of the challenges it faces. The study aims to develop a filtering framework for selecting a suitable sensitive spot that can be used to apply the concept of UA.  A conclusion is made that as a small-scale space approach and a progressive concentrated urban renewal strategy. 


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Author Biography

Dr. Usama Abd Elhameed Nassar, Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

Usama A. Nassar is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Engineering at Suez Canal University, where he has served as a member of the faculty since 1997. He completed his Ph.D. at Suez Canal University after earning his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Cairo University and spending two years in a channel program at Birmingham City University in the UK. His research interests lie in urban design and range from urban theories and applications to the implementation of study projects in Egypt. In recent years, he has focused on better techniques for expressing, analyzing, and executing urban spaces. He has also collaborated actively with researchers in several other social science disciplines, and he has published two books since 2013. Nassar has participated in ten conferences and workshop program committees and has published more than twelve articles in international journals. In addition, he currently serves on the editorial boards of many journals.


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How to Cite

Nassar, U. A. E. (2021). Urban Acupuncture in Large Cities: Filtering Framework to Select Sensitive Urban Spots in Riyadh for Effective Urban Renewal. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 5(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.25034/ijcua.2021.v5n1-1



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