Influence of Green Infrastructure on Residents’ Endorsement of the New Ecological Paradigm in Lagos, Nigeria


  • Dr. Adedotun Ayodele Dipeolu Department of Architecture, College of Engineering and Environmental Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • Professor Dr. Eziyi Offia Ibem Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Enugu State, Nigeria.
  • PhD candidate Olusegun Ayotunde Oriola Department of Architecture, College of Engineering and Environmental Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, Nigeria



Environmental attitudes, Green infrastructure, Residents’ endorsement, New ecological paradigm, Lagos metropolis, Pro-environmental behaviour


Given the significance of green infrastructure in enhancing social, economic and ecological sustainability of the built environment, it is important to unearth how green infrastructure can influence pro-environmental behaviours among the urban population. This research assessed the influence of green infrastructure on residents’ endorsement of the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. A total of 1560 residents recruited through the multi-stage sampling technique participated in the survey, and the data gathered were subjected to descriptive and regression analyses.  The participants generally felt that the available green infrastructure in their neighbourhoods was of low quality and rapidly disappearing, but it positively influenced all the key variables of the NEP and its endorsement. The size of neighbourhood green spaces, availability of green spaces for relaxation and its proximity to the people were found to be the three attributes of green infrastructure with the most noticeable influence on residents’ endorsement of NEP. This study implies that the availability and accessibility of a reasonable quantity of green areas within urban neighbourhoods can enhance a better understanding of the role of green infrastructure and promote favourable environmental behaviours among the urban population within and outside Nigeria.


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Author Biographies

Dr. Adedotun Ayodele Dipeolu, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering and Environmental Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, Nigeria

Dr Adedotun A. Dipeolu is a registered architect by the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON), a Member of, the Association of Architectural Educators in Nigeria (MAARCHES) and a Senior Lecturer of Architecture at the Department of Architecture, Olabisi Onabanjo University, College of Engineering and Environmental Studies, Ibogun Campus, Ifo-Ogun State, Nigeria. He holds a PhD degree in Architecture from the Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria. Dipeolu's research interest is the areas of Landscape architecture with emphasis on urban green infrastructure, environmental sustainability, urban studies and human-environment interactions. He has over 50 peer-reviewed scholarly articles in reputable local and international journals, books, and conference proceedings. He is one of the reviewers for the academic journal SN Social Sciences, published by Springer Nature and some other local and international journals.

Professor Dr. Eziyi Offia Ibem, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Enugu State, Nigeria.

Dr Eziyi O. Ibem is a registered architect by the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) and a Professor of Architecture at the Department of Architecture, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria. He holds a PhD degree in Architecture from Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. Eziyi's research interest is the areas of sustainable human settlements, post-occupancy evaluation, electronic procurement in construction and urban green infrastructure. He has over 150 peer-reviewed scholarly articles in reputable local and international journals, books, and conference proceedings and his works have received over 2860 citations globally. In the 2021 list of top researchers published by Stanford University, USA, Professor Eziyi Ibem was listed among the World's Top 2% Scientists and the number one (1) researcher in the field of Architecture in Nigeria. He is also a Visiting Professor at Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa and Cross River State University of Technology (CRUTECH), Calabar, Nigeria. He is one of the editors of the African Journal of Built Environment Research (AJoBER) and an editorial board member of several international journals, and also reviews several international and high-impact journals.

PhD candidate Olusegun Ayotunde Oriola, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering and Environmental Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, Nigeria

Mr Olusegun A. Oriola is a registered architect by the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) and a Lecturer at the Department of Architecture, Olabisi Onabanjo University, College of Engineering and Environmental Studies, Ibogun Campus, Ifo-Ogun State, Nigeria. He is currently a PhD student in the Department of Architecture, Bells University Ota, Ogun State. Oriola's research interest is in the area of housing development, project management and implementation and landscape architecture. He has over 20 peer-reviewed scholarly articles in reputable local and international journals, books, and conference proceedings


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How to Cite

Dipeolu, A. A., Ibem, E. O., & Oriola, O. A. (2022). Influence of Green Infrastructure on Residents’ Endorsement of the New Ecological Paradigm in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 6(2), 159–173.



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