The Role of Home Gardens in Developing Cities for Improving Workers' Psychological Conditions




Home garden, Green open spaces, Psychological effects, Stress level, Java Island


During the lockdown period, people were restricted from doing many things, particularly activities outside the home, putting strain on psychological circumstances. This study intends to demonstrate that providing a home garden to improve the psychological state of the workers' community may alleviate the challenges of access to green open space in city settings. This study investigates the psychological state of employees and the impact of home gardens on the psychological state of workers in numerous cities in Indonesia during the pandemic. The survey was carried out utilising the Snowball sampling approach by asking various questions and filling out a questionnaire on the participants' backgrounds and psychological problems using PSS-14 and WEMWBS. Data from participants were analysed using correlation and ANOVA. According to the findings of this study, the presence of a home garden utilised for activities has a substantial impact on the psychological condition of the working community. It is advised that the workers' community participate in activities in the home garden five days a week for at least one hour. On the other hand, it is suggested that urban housing developers pay more attention to the house garden and its constituent aspects.


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Author Biographies

Samuel Nanda Lazuardi, Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Indonesia

Samuel Nanda Lazuardi is a third-year master's student and research assistant in the Department of Landscape Architecture, Plants and Green Planning division, IPB University. The main job he does as a research assistant is analyzing research data. He is interested in stress therapy in green open spaces, especially home gardens. He was born in Bandung, on November 16, 1996. He obtained a bachelor's degree in agriculture (plant breeding) from Gadjah Mada University in 2020. He worked at Biometrix Data Solution as a data scientist whose job was to analyze student research data from various levels of education, until 2020. Samuel already has a publication in the journal Vegetalika, belonging to the UGM faculty of agriculture, published in 2022. The results of the research were also presented at the National Seminar on Agricultural Research Results IX in 2019. In 2020, he also became the chief committee and team leader of the Expose of Sustainable Landscape Management with the title "Nala Jenggala", which was held internally in the Department of Landscape Architecture, IPB University.

Dr. Bambang Sulistyantara, Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Indonesia

Bambang Sulistyantara contributes to supervising the research. He is the head of the Landscape Plants and Greenery System Division, Department of Landscape Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. His main research field is urban environmental comfort, analysis of green space function on human comfort and welfare, urban forest function and management, and ecotourism planning and analysis. His recent publication includes “The Psychological Effects of Park Therapy Components on Campus Landscape Preferences”, "Determination of Attractiveness Index and Carrying Capacity of the Geosites for Sustainable Geotourism Development in The Cyclops Mountains of Papua, Indonesia" and "The Prospect of Geotourism in the Cycloop Mountains Conservation Area Papua".

Dr. Prita Indah Pratiwi , Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Indonesia

Prita Indah Pratiwi contributes to co-supervising the research. She is a member of the Student Commission, Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. Her main research fields are environmental psychology, park therapy, landscape perception and preference, and ecotourism planning. Her primary publication includes “The Psychological Effects of Park Therapy Components on Campus Landscape Preferences”, "Physiological and Psychological Effects of Walking in Urban Parks and Its Imagery in Different Seasons in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Evidence from Matsudo City, Japan", and "Physiological and Psychological Effects of Viewing Urban Parks in Different Seasons in Adults".


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How to Cite

Lazuardi, S. N., Sulistyantara, B., & Pratiwi, P. I. (2022). The Role of Home Gardens in Developing Cities for Improving Workers’ Psychological Conditions. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 6(2), 233–248.



Resilience and Built Environment



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