Call for papers: COVID-19: what we know about its effects on urbanism?
Photo: The 'Fearless Girl' with coronavirus mask by Luiz Roberto Lima-ANB
Call for papers
COVID-19: what we know about its effects on urbanism? Current Problems and the Future of UrbanismDear valuable authors
Journal Of Contemporary Urban Affairs as pioneer in publishing the contemporary studies on urban affairs is looking to publish papers on COVID-19. In this regard, any theoretical, qualitative, quantitative or methodological studies which may leads to comprehensive understanding of COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on urbanism are highly welcome to submit their papers to the journal.
Note: Please consider the subject area of the journal during your study on COVID-19 which are Conflict and divided territories, Emerging cities, urban ecology, morphology, Infra Habitation , Slums ,Affordable houses, Gated communities, Revitalization, regeneration and urban renewal, Housing studies livability, responsive environment, quality of life , Contemporary urban issues , politics, strategies, sociology, Crime, Immigration , international labor migration , New urbanism, Rapid urbanization and Urban sprawl.